
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Scientific Perspectives in Fundamental Theology
Understanding Christian Faith in the Age of Scientific Reason
Claremont Press, Claremont (CA) 2022
pp. 485, $ 20,00, ISBN 978-1946230-55-3
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Teologia fondamentale in contesto scientifico - Teologia della Rivelazione
vol. 4: Fede, Tradizione, Religioni
Città Nuova, Roma 2022
pp. 776, € 50,00, ISBN 97888311 75739
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Teologia Fondamentale in contesto scientifico - Teologia della Rivelazione
vol. 3: Religione e Rivelazione
Città Nuova, Roma 2018
pp. 750, € 45,00, ISBN 9788831175395

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Religion and Revelation, the third volume of the Treatise on Fundamental Theology in a scientific context, proposes a theology of Revelation in dialogue with the demands of contemporary man, in order to intercept his concerns and new sensibilities. Underlining the need for a recovery of the true religious experience and of the metaphysical sense, the work introduces both the historical religious journey of humankind and its constant philosophical research as two great preambles of faith. The reflection on religion is thus brought back within the program of Fundamental theology, re-evaluating its virtualities of preparation for receiving the Gospel. Among the criticisms of religion, the recent position of “naturalism” is examined, providing a response that can be used also in the pastoral level. The religious experience present in the evolutionary path of Homo sapiens is put in dialogue with the history and phenomenology of religion, providing a connection with the narratives presented by the biblical revelation. The “primitive revelation” made by God to the progenitors is thus assessed against the background of modern acquisitions of cultural anthropology. The volume offers a specific study of the revelation of God in nature, placing it in dialogue with the experience and reflections of scientific researcher. The Author proposes an original relationship between revelation of God in nature, understood as a creation revelation, and revelation of God in history, understood as filial revelation. Only the latter is achieved thanks to the missions of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in history and grace. The biblical category of the Promise is presented as the backbone of the self-revelation of God to man, reading in the light of it both the Covenant and Creation itself. The revealed image of the One and Triune God, centered on the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word, is exposed, as for the other volumes of this Treatise, paying attention to the questions of scientific rationality and to the need for a new evangelization.

Download the Table of Contents and the Foreword by Piero Coda (in Italian)

G. Tanzella-Nitti
Teologia della Credibilità
vol. 2: La credibilità del cristianesimo
Città Nuova, Roma 2015
pp. 816, € 50,00, ISBN 9788831175173
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Teologia della Credibilità
vol. 1: La Teologia fondamentale e la sua dimensione di apologia
Città Nuova, Roma 2015
pp. 618, € 50,00, ISBN 9788831175166

Fundamental Theology in the Scientific Context (4 vols.) is a complete Treatise of Fundamental Theology that accepts, for the first time, the "counterpoint" of scientific rationality, examining the questions that the sciences pose to Christian faith. The first 2 volumes, Theology of Credibility, are addressed to professors of university courses in the theological-fundamental area and to graduated students. Developed as a "theology in context" and a "theology in front of an interlocutor," the Treatise proposes a link with pastoral theology and catechesis.

Download the Summary (vol. 1)

Download the Introduction

Recensione di Gianfranco Ravasi, Il Sole 24 ore, 29 maggio 2016


G. Tanzella-Nitti, A. Strumia (a cura di)
Dizionario Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede.
Cultura scientifica, filosofia e teologia
Urbaniana University Press - Città Nuova Editrice, Roma 2002
2 voll., pp. 2340, ISBN 88-401-1050-X (UUP) e 88-311-9265-5 (Città Nuova)
Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti
La Rivelazione e la sua credibilità
Percorso di Teologia fondamentale
Edusc, Roma
pp. 578, € 30,00, ISBN 978-88-8333-573-0

The Revelation and its Credibility - a new and revised edition of the previous Lectures of Fundamental Theology published ten years ago - is conceived as a textbook for the course of Fundamental Theology within the Theological Faculties and the Institutes for Religious Sciences. The work is also directed to all those who wish to deepen the content of the Christian faith because engaged in catechesis and in the education of lay people working for a new evangelization. The theological-fundamental itinerary is designed in its traditional form as a Theology of Revelation and a Theology of Credibility. As a necessary juncture, the program includes the treatise on the Faith and an exposition of the transmission of the Revelation within the Church, closing with some elements of the relationship between Christian Revelation and other religions. The author privileges the didactic perspective, both in the language used, and by introducing schemes and synthetic concepts, and finally by providing the reader with an Anthology of texts drawn from the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and from reference authors, and a reasoned bibliography.

A. Strumia, G. Tanzella-Nitti
Scienze, Filosofia, Teologia. Avvio al lavoro interdisciplinare
EDUSC, Roma 2014
pp. 269, € 25,00, ISBN 978-88-833-3317-0
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Faith, Reason and the Natural Sciences.
The Challenge of the Natural Sciences in the Work of Theologians
The Davies Group, Aurora (CO) 2009
pp. 271, $ 27,00, ISBN 978-1-934542-12-5
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Filosofia e Rivelazione. Attese della ragione, sorprese dell’annuncio cristiano
San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2008
pp. 248, € 20,00, ISBN 978-88-215-6195-5
G. Tanzella-Nitti, G. Maspero (a cura di)
La verità della religione. La specificità cristiana in contesto
Cantagalli, Siena 2007-06-10
pp. 270, ISBN 978-88-8272-3125
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Teologia e scienza. Le ragioni di un dialogo
Paoline, Milano 2003
pp. 212, ISBN 88-315-2469-0
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Passione per la verità e responsabilità del sapere.
Un'idea di università nel magistero di Giovanni Paolo II
Piemme, Casale Monferrato 1998
pp. 280, ISBN 88-384-4013-1
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Mistero trinitario ed economia della grazia.
Il personalismo soprannaturale di M.J. Scheeben
Armando, Roma 1997
pp. 334, ISBN 88-7144-730-1
G. Tanzella-Nitti (a cura di)
La Teologia, annuncio e dialogo
Armando, Roma 1996
pp. 191, ISBN 88-7144-625-9
G. Tanzella-Nitti
Questions in Science and Religious Belief.
The Roles of Faith and Science in answering the Cosmological Problem
Pachart Publishing House, Tucson-Arizona 1992
pp. 257, ISBN 0-88126-730-9
G.G.C. Palumbo, G. Tanzella-Nitti, G. Vettolani
Catalogue of Radial Velocities of Galaxies
Gordon and Breach, New York 1983
pp. 575, ISBN 0-677-06090-4